ADM Nuclear Technologies is committed to providing a high level of customer service. One of our key service offerings is the ability to supply handheld radiation monitors from stock.
ADM is proud to support a growing number of customers with the implementation of Radiation Management Plans (RMPs) for the use of soil moisture and density probes.
There are many industrial, commercial and medical applications, where radiation sources are used. For example, we are all familiar with X-ray machines at airports and hospitals.
Choosing a radiation survey meter is not a task to be taken lightly, and in many cases it is worth seeking expert advice before making the final purchasing decision.
The term ‘EMF’ has several meanings. In this article we look at the three common sources of EMF radiation and the best professional EMF meters for measuring each type.
There are a swaggering number of research papers from around the world which have linked the human inhalation of Radon to the development of lung cancers.
Thermo Fisher Scientific has a wide range of permanently mounted radiation area alarm monitors. But there are a two in their range which are very popular.
ADM Nuclear Technologies is over years old and we think it only appropriate to give a brief history of a series of instruments for which ADM has great affection and experience with; the “Mini Instruments” range of contamination and survey meters.
ADM Nuclear Technologies offers TLD badges and materials from Harshaw in a wide range of different formats to suit almost any radiation dosimetry requirements.